Strawberry Full Moon Floor Wash

Strawberry Full Moon Floor Wash

By Jeannie Francis

In the days of Ole’ Floor Washes were to clean out stagnant energies and energies that no longer serve us. Today, I start my ritual of “clearing and cleaning”. I have never felt I had to purchase a product made by someone else with “other” intentions, I know I have enough magick in me to do this with my own energies and intentions.

The Strawberry full moon is a time of change, a time of break thoughts and a time of renewal. I use the energies leading up to the full moon to aid in my clearing and cleansing.

Today’s spell recipe is about renewal.

In vinegar I place these plant material and let sit outside until ready to use (I made this during the full moon of the past month).


Strawberry Leaf- in honor of fruiting (new idea’s, new business ventures, new souls to meet)

Nettles- Clearing space with the stinging flowers

Wood Betony- scared protection

Honey Suckle Blossom- Sweetness of renewed – reborn life

Creeping Charlie- Continual life force

Mix these herbs into ½ cup vinegar and let sit until ready. Strain out plant material before use.


Crystal Essences made in distilled water and witch hazel

Crystal Essences:

Aquamarine : Clarity of the future

Moss Agate: Grounding strength

Smokey Quartz: to see the hidden side

Place the crystals in the ¼ cup distilled water and ¼ cup witch hazel and let sit until ready to use. (Remove crystals before using)

I mix 2 tablespoons of the vinegar/herb mix, with 2 tablespoons of the crystal essence, in a clear glass bowl.

I use a fresh smudge of mugwort, white sage, lavender and nettles to bless the floor wash mixture. I add 1 tablespoon pink Himalayan sea salt to the mix and stir clock wise 40 times. Chanting “Blessed am I under the moonlight, blessed am I under the sunlight, blessed am I to be upon this earth, Mote Be!

I use this floor wash to clean my door ways, windows, window sills, counters and alter. This may also be added to your regular cleaning products. The floor ash can also be placed in a spray bottle, for easier use.

After cleaning open windows and smudge, get ready for the NEW positive energies to flow!!

May the magic of this full moon- lift your soul- renew your energies and lead you into a space of new growth– Be Fruitful- Be Blessed!!