Healer’s Way Natural Health Market is growing and will be an enjoyable event. Can you help us make it the best event possible? Sure you can!
Volunteers are what will make this event GREAT!
There are several different opportunities available, for many age groups, and various abilities.
Greeter: Pass out programs and bags
Welcome/Information: Are you people person that loves helping people navigate?
Refreshments: Hydration is important.
Benefits of being a volunteer:
- A free swag bag
- A thank you by name in the program guide
- And, most importantly – the warm fuzzies you get from knowing you helped your community create and enjoy an awesome event
Our deepest thanks for signing up to volunteer your time. Your application will be reviewed and someone from the committee will get back with you soon.
HWNHM Committee
If you have any questions please contact the Jeannie at Spirit to Sole Connection 856-834-0883 or healersway@spirittosoleconnection.com.