The March Winds are blowing

March Winds are Blowing.

The winter of 2022/2023 has been exceptionally mild, my gardens are awakening at least 5 weeks early. My daffodils are in full bloom, my early spring gems of the weeds are blooming also? It seems strange to have things blooming outside- at the same time as the Phila Flower Show. It surely makes me wonder how the rest of the gardening season will pan out this year.

My thoughts are about how dry our soils will be and the suffering of the big trees, to the littlest flower. Sunday I took a stroll around the yard to see who and what is coming up. Low and behold, my favorite spring plant was growing happily. She bring little white flowers that grace my stone walls, cracks and crevice’s of my walk ways. Greetings to you my darling edible and friend Stellaria Media, Chickweed.