In today’s world there is so much going, our children get bombarded by commercials,fast foods, computers, tv’s and more. We have forgotten to show our children how to slow down life and how to eat with enthusium and Joy.
So many children have lost the taste for fun healthy foods and we have forgotten to teach them about it, it seem’s McD’s owns the right of way when it comes to a meal.
We have lost the elegant’s of the family meal, sitting together, cooking together and enjoying together.
WHAT we have LOST,,, is the family connection.
On tue night Aug 6th at 7pm, we will explore the adventures of eating healthy with children, learn the SuperFoods that can help a child grow, explore and find a healthy alternative to the growing posions of fast food.
We will have samples and recipes… come out and learn how to help your child enjoy foods and even helping to choose favorite foods, also helping in making family meals.
$20.00 registration required.
Spirit To Sole Connection
319 E Broad St.
Palmyra NJ 08065